The COVID19 Health Literacy Project was started by Pooja Chandrashekar, @poojac99 medical student at Harvard Medical School “to make sure no one is left on the sidelines of this pandemic” Commentary Ourania Preventza, MD, FACS, MBA-ISEVS President Elect @OPreventzaMD This is a coalition of more than 150 students, translating COVID19 information into more that 30 languages (37 languages as per 3/35/2020). It is an outstanding effort to help in the current crisis. As we navigate this difficult time for our community, these students found a phenomenon way to be creative. Via this web site, these students elaborate in a simple way preventive and coping strategies, and they provide an engaging resource for all of us.
Also, do not miss COVID-19: An International Perspective, filmed on March 18th, 2020, where Brian Mitzman MD, assistant professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at NYU, moderates an excellent discussion on the current pandemic with a well-known international group of physicians on the front lines. So many things to learn from our colleagues!
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June 2021